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A logo for calagaz photo and digital imaging

Video & Movie Transfers

Transfer to digital to preserve your memories.

Shoebox Scanning

Video and Movie conversion

Do you still have dusty video tapes at home? Or boxes of family films that you aren't even sure what is on them? Just bring it all to Calagaz Photo and we will convert it to a digital format so you can rediscover your treasures from the past.

From the following formats: VHS, VHS-C, Beta, 8mm video, Mini DV, CD, DVD, Video files from memory cards, Flash drives and Hard drive camcorders. We will put all of your footage on a USB Flash Drive for your convenience.

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vhs/Video Cassette to USB drive

Detail Price
1 Tape $49.99
2 or more Tapes $29.99 each
Additional USB Drive $14.99 each
Custom Editing/hr. $75.00


Detail Price
First 400ft. to USB Drive $160
Additional feet ¢0.40 /ft.
Additional USB Drive $14.99 each
Additional Title pages $9.00 each

digital slideshows

Detail Price
Custom Slideshow $69.99 (min)
Additional USB Drive $14.99 each

We offer many other types of scans if these items do not meet your needs. Please ask a Sales Consultant for assistance.

Pricing for digital photos only. If scanning is needed, additional fees apply. Music must be provided by customer.

Shoebox Scanning
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